Have a date with my Coffee Love


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Life is full of ups and downs and we keep on looking around for positivity , inspiration , happiness and reasons to celebrate.

We feel sad when no one is around to cheer us up. It’s then you need to ignite your passion with the company of your favourite food and drink. Believe me , it works and you start enjoying your own company.

Whenever I feel depressed ,unmotivated and my energy levels go down , there is something which rejuvenates me and makes me feel better. It not only gives a company but brings my innerself out.

That is A Date –

 A date with my love, my Coffee.

Coffee, super blogger challenge

I love to have a coffee in any form – hot or cold. If I get a company, its good, if not , I alone can enjoy my cup of coffee.
It is a big stress buster for me. Even the recent studies have proved that drinking a few cups of coffee is  good for our health.

History of  Coffee

Do you  know who discovered coffee and how did it reach to us ? The answer is  really interesting . It was not discovered by a well know historian or scientists or any researcher. It was discovered by a shepherd. Watch this video showing it’s origin and a brief history of coffee.

Good News for the coffee lovers

Recent studies have shown that if we drink coffee in limit and without sugar and without milk or with less milk, it boosts the health of our heart and also helps in preventing lung cancer , Parkinson disease and diabetes-2 also.

Coffee-A best friend for some

Many times I go to cafe to order coffee and have seen many people standing in a cue and thinking of their order of coffee. I think there is only a few number of people who know the real difference between types of coffee though they are well conversant with their names like Expresso , cappuccino , latte or Mocha. These are only few names to mention.

Types of Coffee in the World

There are more than 20 kinds to coffee in the world. There are many kinds of coffee beans grown but most of the coffees are prepared from mainly two kinds of coffee beans- Coffee Arabica and Coffee Robusta. Coffee Robusta is more bitter and stronger in taste. Here are the few names of the different types of coffee drinking by the people in the various parts of the World.

  • Expresso
  • Cappuccino
  • Mocha
  • Latte
  • Flat Milk
  • Macchiato
  • Americano
  • Chai Latte
  • Egg Coffee
  • Doppio
  • Mazagran
  • Borgia
  • Frappé
  • Spiced Latte( My latest love) and list goes on.

Know Your Love :

  • Expresso :  If you are in love with Expresso, then it has 7g of  ground coffee in the filter and has brewed for 20 mins to make it 30 ml. You can have a double dose of your love with 14 grams to make it 60- 75 ml.
  • Cappuccino :  It has expresso coffee , milk and  foamed milk in same proportion i.e. 60ml in same order.
  • Latte : It has more of milk in quantity compared to the quantity of the coffee, double or more than that.Thus , it tastes less of coffee compared to Cappuccino.
  • Mocha : It gives you a flavour of expresso coffee with hot chocolate, topped with whipped cream. I am sure you can resist falling in love with it.
  • Macchiato : You can find it in Italy as they have invented it. It has coffee with only foamed milk on the top. In Kosavo, you will find it with cream on the top.
  • Flat Milk  : It has expresso coffee with microfoam milk( steamed milk with some bubbles) Unlike Cappuccino which has macro foam on the top.
  • Chai latte : As the name suggest, expresso coffee with a flavour of masala tea.
  • Mazagran :An expresso without milk with a flavour of lemon juice. Yes ! A coffee with lemon juice with a little of sugar and ice cubes. A must try.
  • Spiced Latte : Now , time to describe my latest Love❤❤. It has Expresso and milk with flavours of spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

So , next time you order your favourite Coffee , feel the taste of and enjoy the real flavour of it or find your new love like me. I am also eager to share my new love. Till then , fix a date with coffee at your favourite place , may be  at a Coffee Shop, Workplace or everyone’s favourite- Home Sweet Home like me.

Caution : Coffee contains caffeine. Excessive intake may be injurious to your health . Consume it at your own risk.

Note: This article has been written as a part of SuperBloggerChallenge2018 conducted by Healthwealthbridge.comFashionablefoodz.comAllaboutthewoman.com and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. SuperBloggerChallenge2018 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused. 

Photo credit : Google and video: Youtube

Which is your favourite coffee???

32 thoughts on “Have a date with my Coffee Love

  1. I once saw a program on TV where they talked about coffee that is made from the partly digested coffee seeds eaten by a cat called the Civet Cat. This is supposed to be the most expensive coffee in the world. I believe the Civet cat eats these seeds and the partly digested seeds are collected when the cat defecates. I just now googled and found out this Coffee is called the Kopi luwak. The retail price is US$700 per kg. You have given very exhaustive details about coffee. I love coffee and as soon as I wake up in the morning I need my cuppa as quickly as possible. Good detailed article. Makes me ache for a cup of coffee right away ! Heading for the kitchen ! #Superbloggerchallenge2018 #Instacuppa

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jayakumar for sharing this information. I was completely unaware of this Coffee. Thank you much for reading and appreciating. Hope you had a wonderful time with your cup of Coffee.


  2. though I am not a coffee lover but loved the thoughts and information you had shared in the post. I had the same equation with green tea. agreed, spending some quality me time with your favourite drink refreshes us instantly. #Superbloggerchallenge2018

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mann

    Aha…that’s a nice compilation. I am not much into coffee and have a mug once in a while but yeah have tried a few of them in CCD. How wonderful, a single coffee has so many avatars.


  4. Zainab

    I’m a tea person left, right and centre. But, I do love americano as that’s what helps me with 4 pm headaches.
    Exhaustive post on the same 🙂


  5. CherishingFLo

    This entire read MADE MY DAY! I love coffee soooo much and my boyfriend is always griping at me at how unhealthy it is. Personally, I love macchiatos. I can only drink anericano when I NEED actual caffeine to stay awake but I’m never heard of marzagran or whatever. That’s sounds weird, but who knows? It may be delicious. I’ve also never heard of Doppio. Smh and I’m over here thinking I know my coffee. Spiced lattes are good girl!


  6. My ever-lasting love, coffee! Fell in love way too young, still going strong! 😀
    I’m actually into black coffee – no matter if espresso, americano, lungo, hand drip… though when I go out to fancy cafes and they’ve got non-dairy milk I love getting some pretty latte art in my cappuccino foam ❤
    Lovely blog post, now you have me craving another cup and its 9 PM here!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. pratikshya2

    Coffee was my first love. Tea my current love. Heheh!!

    Had never heard about egg coffee. Omg.

    I like with milk. Spices, never tried. Lemon, interested to try now. Sounds so interesting.

    Coffee wisdom around the world can make another bible.


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