Different Personalities around us in the society

Human beings are social animals,that, they can’t survive without society. The society comprises people around us. Since morning till night, from Monday to Sunday, years after years we meet lot of people.

The people around me and you are almost similar in many charactersitics or we can say that they have same kind of personality.



According to the dictionary , 

It is a combination of characterstics or qualities that form individual’s distinctive character.

Some of these traits are inherited and some are accquired through the kind of enviornment they are living in.Personality defines what kind of person you are.


You can’t deny the fact that people around us have lot of impact on us as it is rightly said


The most difficult things can be achieved easily if you are surrounded with people having positive attitude. This become worse to worst if you can’t understand the basic nature or personality of a person you are living with.



let’s see the faces of some personalities who keep revolving around most of us. Some of you may have encountered whilefew of these or may meet soon in future.


Take it easy

These are the people whose personality does not change as per situation. They react towards all the situation in a same manner always. Their basic traits remain same and are emotionally strong. They don’t take things to the heart and remain calm. Take it easy ,dear is their attitude towards life.


Opportunitist personalities

These are the people who always seek oppourtunity in each and every situation. They have an ability to change the things according to their need. They know how to crack the situation for their benefit. You may or may not be knowing what they are planning for you .



This category is for those who have low esteem. They lack confidence and depend on others for decision making. They are emotionally weak and can’t control their emotions. Hence, get easily influenced by the people around them. They are easy prey for others.



These are the most difficult to understand. They know how to hide the emotions and feelings behind the face. They can also be called as FLAT FACED as they carry same expressions throught the day. NO SMILES NO WORRIES. They do not get easily attached with other and have few friends. They are always in their own world.


Emotional fools personality

These are the ones who are always ready to help. They can’t see others in trouble. They are ready to extend their helping hands despite of knowing the fact that this can lead them to trouble. Such people , many a times, lose their money because the other person know that he/she will not say no to me when he/she see me in trouble. They easily fall in love and later cry.

These are few to mention. There may be many more waiting for you and me. Just now I am thinking in which category do I fall in.!!

Pic credit : Google

Note: This article has been written as a part of SuperBloggerChallenge2018 conducted by Healthwealthbridge.comFashionablefoodz.comAllaboutthewoman.com and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. SuperBloggerChallenge2018 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused. 

Have you ever encountered with any such kind of person in your life ? How did you deal with that situation ?

41 thoughts on “Different Personalities around us in the society

  1. Emotional fools I have encountered many. They are the ones who give away their heart, cry at the drop of a hat and then write poetry.

    Some people are easy going outward but have a lot of problems and issues inside their heart

    I am not sure I fall into any one category. A bit of many or according to the day. I am trying to lean towards being emotionally strong, but it is an Uphill task


    Liked by 1 person

  2. My expression remain hmmmmm….same in many situations… That is ‘cool’ but I never think ‘Take it easy’. I am like a worker bee… Busy all the time doing all the duties and if things don’t turn up as I expect…i don’t panic rather work more. May be this is life’s teachings influencing my nature!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Ms.Arora! What a an enjoyable and relatable article! Loved the simplicity in style and the accompanying fun images…It felt like I were reading a Buzzfeed post. Bang on and I wanted to read more because I was enjoying it just as much ..Great job. 🙂 Please read my Week 6 post for #Superbloggerchallenge2018 here: https://thetinaedit.com/2018/03/25/top-5-key-learnings-from-the-super-blogger-challenge-2018-so-far-superbloggerchallenge2018/

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ja'd Kurumi

    I really enjoyed reading this post because it’s now easy to point out as to what kind of personality someone has based off their character. It’s very hard for me to pinpoint what personality I have but I would say I am the outgoing personality crossed with masked personality because I can hide my emotions and feelings very easily.


  5. Haha, all my teenage life was emotional fools time! (Myself included…)
    But it’s so true, we get influenced a lot by people around us! I can start the day motivated and positive, meet someone who’s grumpy, and it seems to suck away all that energy… But also the other way around.


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